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ICON newsletter – February 2022

Topics: Diversity
Content Type: Newsletter
By: Laura Laden-Zabihi

Bringing you the latest news from the Institute of Coding (IoC)

This newsletter provides information about:

Start upskilling in 2022!
Skills Bootcamps are flexible courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast track to an interview with a local employer. Learn more about Skills Bootcamps.

There are several IoC-led Skills Bootcamps starting this spring, with more launching later in 2022. Visit our course catalogue to search for upcoming Skills Bootcamps across all providers, regions and start dates.

Secure your FREE place
Skills Bootcamps will be provided at no cost for learners who meet the eligibility criteria and are accepted by a provider. 

Employers who wish to upskill existing employees through the Skills Bootcamps will receive a 70% discount from standard programme fees.

Explore the Skills Bootcamps

There are several IoC-led Skills Bootcamps open for registration on our website and more will be launching throughout 2022. 

If you don’t see the right Skills Bootcamp for you at this time, stay tuned. We’ll email you when new courses launch. 

Skills Bootcamp in web development from Bath Spa University
This 12-week programme will provide the skills you’ll need to gain employment in web development roles. The Skills Bootcamp will start with an introduction to websites, progressing to sought-after web application skills as well as the building and deployment of smartphone and web apps. Secure your free spot!

Skills Bootcamp in Data Science and Cloud Systems from Birmingham City University
This Skills Bootcamp will give you an introduction to cloud systems with a practical focus on data analysis, modelling and manipulation, AI applications of natural language, image recognition and conversational AI.

Upon successful completion of this course, you’ll receive a certification from Microsoft. Find out more about this course

Skills Bootcamps in Data Science, Software Engineering and Cyber Analysis from University of Gloucestershire
If you are looking for something for later this year, the University of Gloucestershire has two Skills Bootcamps starting in November 2022. Opening for registration in summer 2022, these 16-week Skills Bootcamps will be fully online. Learn more about these upcoming courses.

Calling all employers – hire new Skills Bootcamp grads!

Access a new pipeline of tech talent
If you need to build your organisation’s tech talent, consider hiring new IoC Skills Bootcamp graduates in your entry to mid-level tech roles. Upskilled and reskilled candidates are a highly desirable option as they have a vast array of skills and strengths to offer employers.

Employers who would like to gain access to the new IoC-trained candidates, including finding out more information about the skill sets available, should email A team is standing by to help match employers with qualified candidates for their specific needs.

Learn what works to improve inclusion in tech

Tech Talent Charter’s (TTC) 2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival is taking place virtually on 1st and 2nd March. At the Festival, TTC will present findings from their latest Diversity in Tech Report with panels of employers, experts and ministers sharing the practical ‘how to’ of DE&I interventions that work.

This is a 2-day flexible and virtual festival with four separate sessions designed to work around work, life, and caring commitments. It is free and open to all – sign up now. 

Early Careers Day from everywomen

As part of the everywoman in Tech Forum, an Early Careers Day will be held on 7th March. Designed to connect the best tech employers and mentors with female STEM final year students and recent graduates, the Early Careers Day will give attendees an informative and inspiring day of learning and development, hearing from some of the most influential male and female tech leaders and giving the opportunity to connect with leading tech employers and mentors.

Learn more and register for your free ticket.

Connecting industry to expert talent 
The IoC also oversees the Office for AI-funded Industrial Masters for Artificial Intelligence (IMAI) programme to support the drive to increase the volume and quality of skilled AI talent in the UK.

The IMAI programme can help businesses of all sizes grow their capabilities in AI through early involvement in Masters’ programmes and student placements. Through sponsorship, you can grow the pool of expert talent in AI and by offering placements, you can find individuals to fit your specific business needs.

Learn more here and contact to get involved. 

Topics: Diversity
Content Type: Newsletter
By: Laura Laden-Zabihi