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Q&A with Emma, Software Engineer at Google and #DigitalRoleModel

Content Type: Blog
CTRL Your Future
By: web editor

Seeing yourself represented in an industry can be a great inspiration to start working in that sector. Our upcoming Digital Women event will introduce you to some of the women employed in the tech sector and show the career opportunities that can be found in digital. In this blog, one of our speakers at the event, Emma James, tells us about her digital skills journey and what inspired her to pursue her career.

Name: Emma James

Degree: Computer Science BSc (Hons) with Placement

Employer and position/job role: Google Software Engineer

1. What motivated you to study software engineering?

I love making things and I was good at maths so Computer Science was a good fit for both. I am not particularly creative in the traditional sense, however there is creativity in designing software. Making a product or an app is exciting and allows me to think logically and innovatively at the same time.

2. What is the most enjoyable part of working in the digital sector?

Seeing people using something you’ve made. Technology is everywhere and it’s great to be a part of that. I also really enjoy coding and the feeling of accomplishment when you solve a difficult problem.

3. Did you face any barriers when entering your field, either in higher education or when you graduated? If so, how did you overcome them?

For a while I was sure I was going to study Maths at University, it was an out-of-the-ordinary choice to take Computer Science at school. I was only one of two girls to begin with and the other girl quickly dropped out. I think I had decided that I didn’t want to always be the only girl in the room. However, I changed my mind once I met some of the amazing women in the field and decided that what it was like at my school wasn’t what it would always be like. I have been determined to help make sure of that since.

4. What guidance or advice would you give to young women who are considering an education and career in the digital sector?

Build your network and ask questions. The digital sector is huge, it’s not just about programming! Meet as many people as you can and learn what’s out there. It’s an exciting sector, it will be as amazing as you make it.

5. If you could learn any other digital skill, what would it be?

I would love to learn more about User Experience (UX). It would be great to have a deeper understanding about user interface design decisions and usability.

6.  Please tell us a bit about your session/presentation at the Digital Women event.

I will discuss my journey from university to now, the opportunities I created and those that came my way. Then other opportunities that are out there for women and non-binary people in the digital space and how to make the most of them!

If you’d like to hear more about Emma’s journey and career, as well as find out about your opportunities in tech, join the Institute of Coding and many of our partners for the Digital Women event on 5th August.

Content Type: Blog
CTRL Your Future
By: web editor