</University Learners (Theme 1)>

A methodology for using GitLab for software engineering learning analytics

Cesar Cortes Rıos, J., Kopec-Harding, K., Eraslan, S., Page, C., Haines, R., Jay, C. & Embury, S.M., (2019) A methodology for using GitLab for software engineering learning analytics. In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, pages 3–6. IEEE Press, 2019. DOI: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.06772.pdf

Research output: Conference paper

Engaging with Computer Science when solving tangible problems

Charlton, P. & Poslad, S. (2019). Engaging with computer science when solving tangible problems. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice (CEP ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 11, 4 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294016.3294026

Research output: Conference paper

Computing with Codio at Coventry University: Online virtual Linux boxes and automated formative feedback

Croft, D. & England, M. (2019). Computing with Codio at Coventry University: Online virtual Linux boxes and automated formative feedback. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice (CEP ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 16, 4 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294016.3294018

Research output: Conference paper

Computing with Code Runner at Coventry University

Croft, D., & England, M. (2020) Computing with Code Runner at Coventry University. CEP 2020: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Computing Education Practice 2020 January 2020 Article No.: 1 Pages 1–4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3372356.3372357

Research output: Conference paper

A UK Case Study on Cybersecurity Education and Accreditation

Crick, T., Davenport, J.H., Irons, A., & Prickett, T., (2019) A UK Case Study on Cybersecurity Education and Accreditation. 49th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2019). DOI: 10.1109/FIE43999.2019.9028407

Research output: Conference paper

Hands-on security testing in a university lab environment

James, P., Powell, L., O’Reilly, L., & Moller, F. (2020). Hands-on security testing in a university lab environment. In Proceedings of ITiCSE 2020: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Trondheim, June 2020. URL: http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~csfm/Pubs/iticse20.pdf

Research output: Conference paper

Improving Professionalism in First Year Computer Science Students: Teaching what can’t be taught

Keogh, S., Bradnum, J. & Anderson, E. (2019). Improving professionalism in first year computer science students: Teaching what can’t be taught. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice (CEP ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 13, 4 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294016.3294027

Research output: Conference paper

On Teaching Discrete Mathematics to Freshman Computer Science Students

Moller, F., & O’Reilly, L. (2019). On Teaching Discrete Mathematics to Freshman Computer Science Students. In Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice19(8). DOI: https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v19i8.2670

Research output: Journal article

Improving Student Engagement and Performance in Computing Final Year Projects

Naeem, U., Islam, S., & Siddiqui, A., (2019) Improving Student Engagement and Performance in Computing Final Year Projects. IEEE TALE 2019. Yogyakarta – Indonesia 10 – 13 Oct 2019 IEEE. URL: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/62421

Research output: Conference paper

Challenges with Learning to Program and Problem Solve: An Analysis of Student Online Discussions

Piwek, P., & Savage, S. (2020).  Challenges with Learning to Program and Problem Solve: An Analysis of Student Online Discussions. In The 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’20), ACM, New York. Pages 494–499 https://doi.org/10.1145/3328778.3366838. Details at http://oro.open.ac.uk/68073/and a Youtube recording of conference presentation.

Research output: Conference paper and video

Learning to Program: From Problems to Code

Piwek, P., Wermelinger, W., Laney,R., & Walker, R. (2019). Learning to program: from problems to code. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice (CEP ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 4 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3294016.3294024

Research output: Conference paper

Developing Students’ Written Communication Skills with Jupyter Notebooks

Willis, A., Charlton, P. & Hirst, T. (2020). Developing Students’ Written Communication Skills with Jupyter Notebooks. In SIGCSE ’20: Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education February 2020, pp 1089–1095. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3328778.3366927

Research output: Conference paper

</Keep in touch>

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